Thanks and it was good to know you. You were good to me for the most part.
You certainly brought highs and lows; but overall, the highs were higher than the lows were low. Once in a while I will look back upon you with fondness; and hopefully, very little regret.
Honestly though, it will not be often. I'd rather keep my eyes forward - and in a bit, you will be behind.
You'll have to see yourself out. I plan to sleep through your retirement. So I'll say goodnight old friend. I hope the brotherhood of past years welcomes you to their fraternity and treats you kindly. (Though I'd keep an eye out for 1350 and 1918 (both anno domini), the Dark Ages, and most of the BC years - they can be a bit grumpy and old fashioned.)
Dear 2018,
Welcome. I'm excited to meet you. Forgive me that I'm not up when you arrive. I'd rather have coffee with you after sunrise, than shots with you tonight. Besides, you are going to be meeting a lot of new faces in the next few hours and if you're anything like me with names... well...
I look forward to exploring all you have in store. There will be joys as well as pains, but I have a good feeling about you. I think we will be friends. As a matter of fact, I might make it my resolution.
You know, I just realized something: 2017, like age, you are just a number. You were what I made of you.
And 2018, you are the same; a perfectly clean whiteboard awaiting my squeaky marker. I won't write neatly. There will be misspellings. But I hope to fill you to the borders with love, joy, purpose, family, friends... and a host of passionate pursuits.
It's kind of funny; I wrap up this note in a limbo time between the two of you. And yet here I am. One of you is on the way out, the other coming. And yet I have now. Maybe that is the lesson from all the years past and for those upcoming... I have now. Now is all I have. So now is what I will make the most of.
(And 2018, I promise to try to stop ending sentences with prepositions. Another resolution? Nah.)
So, goodbye and hello.
Your friend,
Glad to be back in your readership. Great letter(s). Thankful for our time this week. Always good medicine. Happy 2018.