My son plays basketball. Many of yours do too. I've always told him, "Sink your butt and play defense, make good passes and set your teammates up for success. If you do that you will always have a spot on the floor and your team will love you." He is an unselfish player; maybe to a fault! Sometimes the best thing for the team is for him to shoot. He's a good shooter. As a dad, I love to see his three-pointers hit the bottom of the net, or see him pump-fake, go left, spin right and under for a reverse layup... (sorry, got a little carried away). Sometimes his unselfishness can actually hurt the team. Unselfishness probably isn't the right word, because its antithesis, selfishness almost always hurts a team.
My point is, and I say this to him often... SHOOTERS SHOOT!
So why bring this up in a post about motivation? I asked a good friend to give me feedback on this blog. Being new to Facebook, Instagram and fairly new to Linkedin, I'm wary of how often I post. I asked him to to give me his take on content, relevance and frequency. His immediate question was, "Why are you writing? I really need to know that so I have the right perspective to offer feedback." Wow, great question... especially during this period that I'm talking motivation!
Fortunately, I am fairly in touch with my motives and had an answer.
#1 Writers Write... just as shooters shoot, singers sing and accountants, well, count. We must all operate in our sweet spot to live out our purpose and to truly be the loving change-agents that God designed us to be. (Stepped into the deep end for a second!) I've preached hundreds of sermons and written hundreds of articles over the years. Somehow in the changes of life, and frankly, in the midst of uncertainty (more later, as we get to know one another), I stopped shooting! As part of my Fit50! I needed to start shooting again. So whether anyone ever reads these posts or not, I'll write because Writers write.
#2 I think I have something to say. I shouldn't pass off to a teammate if I have the best shot on any given trip down the court. Ultimately, you will be the judge of whether I have something to say or not... I take that back! I am the judge of that. You will choose it's relevance for you.
#3 I want to make a difference. The concept of this blog began as a challenge to myself to be more fit at age 50 than I have been since my days of wearing a football helmet. I've been through some major life changes and have kept my head down trying to plod along. I suddenly looked up and realized that I was staring a significant life milestone in the face... actually, it was leering at me. So Fit50! quickly morphed into much more for me. I'm sure you hear it in the tone. At times the content will be purely about fitness; and even a sales pitch. But more than that, it's about taking control of life (under divine control). Fit50! is about being more of who I am designed to be. Yes, I'm way around the track of life at this point, but I'm planning one hell of a kick to the finish! I hope in my posts, you might find encouragement, challenge, comfort, and every once in a while you'll feel preached to (sorry, old habits die hard).
More on motivation to come. So... START SHOOTING!
For now...