Tuesday, October 30, 2018

A Stumbler's Walk | STORY

As I was on my way and drew near to Damascus, about noon…
- Acts 22:6 
This is Paul's, "I once was…, but now I am…" story. He recounts it three times in the book of Acts.

There is power in testimony. Others may argue our theology. They can dispute the existence of God on whatever grounds they choose. Many will debate his nature or the pathway to salvation - whatever version they choose. (None of this should cause fear. I am a believer that truth stands up to question and scrutiny; that truth shines when dialogue is respectful and open-minded).

What no one can argue however, is our story. 

Why? Because we own it. You and I are the utmost experts on what God has done and is doing in our lives. When we say, "I once was…, but now I am…," no one has the insight or ability to refute. Eye witness testimony is a powerful thing; in a court of law as in every aspect of life. And no one is as "eye witness" to our own story as we are.

That said, our life (and lifestyle) better match up with our beliefs and our words. When we tell the story of our lives, it is vital that the evidence support it. We are inundated with altered "before and after" photos and testimonials pushing everything from diet pills to skin rejuvenators. When true, they are powerful. When proven false, credibility tanks. The evidence of our lives must match our story.

Ours are not so much "before and after" stories. They are more "before and becoming…" stories. There is a point we come face to face with the reality of Christ. In that moment we are changed; we are given new life. And from that moment we are continually transformed. "Be (being continually) transformed by the renewal of your mind," (Romans 12:2 - emphasizing verb tense in the original Greek).

Frankly, "before and after" would be a little boring; "before and becoming…" is dynamic and exciting. We experience God's mercy and grace "…new every morning," (Lamentations 3:23).

Tell your "before and becoming…" story today. More importantly, LIVE your story today.

God, thank you I am not what I was, and that I am not yet what I will be.

For now...