Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem...
-- Matthew 2:1
We don't know their names. Though the song states there were three and that they were kings, we don't know that. We really don't know anything about the identity or background of these mysterious visitors. Well, we do know this: they were wise men.
Why are they identified as such?
It could be that they had deep scientific - especially astronomical - knowledge. Obviously they noticed the anomaly in the heavens on the evening of Christ's birth. They knew it was not completely natural and was worth investigation. But I don't think that's (all of) it.
It could be that they had a deep understanding of the Scriptures (Old Testament). They knew the prophecies of the coming Messiah. As scholar-philosophers, they probably had access to ancient scripts of all kinds. And in their study, they found a uniqueness in this word from God to his people. And at it's center, a promise of One who would come as a demonstration of the Creator's love. But I don't think that's (all of) it.
It could be that they were simply wise. After all, they outfoxed that fox Herod - as Jesus later called him - by rerouting their return to the East; sensing his obsessive compulsion to power. But I don't think that's (all of) it.
Why were the wise men called wise men? They certainly had background, knowledge and smarts. But I think the wisdom of the wise men is truly demonstrated in their search. They are wise because of their quest. Ultimately, the wise men were wise because they were seeking Jesus. Their wisdom is demonstrated in their unabashed, focused, unapologetic, obsessive, singular and sacrificial search for the One who gives wisdom.
It is the same today. Wise men and women still seek Him.
Will we be wise?
God, I search for you.
For now...