-- 1 Corinthians 3:11
Often, that which is unseen is most important.
What lies below the water line makes all the difference in keeping a massive ship upright, under power, and able to steer away from trouble and toward safe port.
Likewise, the tallest skyscraper's glory is completely dependent on what lies below grade. It is in what lies beneath that the building finds it's strength to stand.
You and I are much the same. Our lives are built on a foundation. And the foundations of people's lives vary in depth, strength, capability and dependability
There is one foundation that is completely reliable, and upon which we can build a life. Financial foundations can crumble. Health foundations can falter. Foundations of career, social standing, physical beauty, reputation, etc. are inherently cracked.
All of these, and more, are great finishes, trims, and decorations. They are important, but not most important. The secret to successful and purposeful living lies below the water line. It is beneath grade. (And, sorry for the mixed metaphors - let's stick with buildings and foundations).
Jesus told a story about two different men, two different houses, and one storm. One man built his house on sand. The other, on a rock. My guess is that as time passed - and weeds grew - the houses were indistinguishable. Then came the storm. One house fell. One house stood. The difference between the two was not in color or style. The distinction was in what could not be seen. One had a strong foundation. One did not.
Two things about storms in life: 1) They will come. They are inevitable. As surely as the tornado sirens blow to usher in an Oklahoma spring, the tempest will come. 2) Storms reveal foundations.
So the question: What is your foundation? What is it that you are building the house of your life - of all your are - upon? There is one foundation that is completely reliable, and upon which we can build a life. The old hymn put it this way:
On Christ the solid rock I stand,
all other ground is sinking sand...
God, you are my rock and my foundation...
For now...