Saturday, March 5, 2016



It's an overused word and an undervalued commodity. I woke up this morning with the typical creaks, aches and pops of a guy my age. Second cup of coffee and gearing up for the gym. It's leg day... I gotta get psyched!

First, some reading and a little quiet time. Then I remembered something I DVR'd... WARRIOR...

One is motivated by painful regret, the other by love for his family.
A powerful story of motivation and overcoming.
Warrior - It's in my all-time top five. 

I flip WARRIOR on the TV...

The coffee cup is now empty, but my tank is full. Ready to hit it. (I realize this post has a high cheese factor... but you do what you gotta do!)

Ultimately, MOTIVATION must come from within! 
But we all can use some help in getting the inner WARRIOR out!

For now...