Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Examine yourselves... test yourselves...
--2 Corinthians 13:5

Scripture is a mirror. If in it we see others - what they should do or not do, where they fall short, etc. - then we are choosing to look past our own reflection.

Scripture is a spotlight. It exposes darkness. The invasive power of truth's light always forces shadows to shrink away. We must first be exposed by the cleansing light before we can be light-bearers to others.

Scripture is a lantern. It provides illumination to the path before us.
Though we share many common paths, each of us has paths that are unique. We must each carry our own lantern to find our steps. (OK - It sounds like a flashlight, but lantern just sounded cooler.)

Scripture is a sword with which we attack the enemy's lies. It cuts through deception and impales the negative things we hear whispered deep within. Unchecked, these can become hideous monsters robbing us joy and peace. The sword of scripture however, was never intended to be a club wielded in the hands of the uncaring. It's blade must first make it's mark in us.

Examine yourselves... test yourselves...

God, expose me to me so I can be wholly yours.

For now...