Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dips (random thoughts) What's the opposite of a Butt-Fumble?

(This post was unplanned... so the ramblings that follow might be shown a little grace if you'd be so kind. Thanks!)

Earlier this evening I was writing a little on DIPS: Question #2 (Where should I stick it out?). My working title is RIDING THE STORMS OUT. But I'm going to break from that for the moment. I found myself in a bit of a strange place. Having spent the last week traveling, I wrapped up the weekend in Los Angeles with my younger daughter. We were there for my older daughter's regular season finale soccer game. She plays for the USC Trojans as they took on archival UCLA in front of over 10,000 fans in the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. It was a great weekend.

Tonight, however, I find myself alone in a hotel room south of Ft. Worth. I'm embarrassed to admit, but I have been feeling a little melancholy. So I finally said enough is enough and headed down to the fitness room. Often, getting my butt in gear physically sparks the brain, emotions and spirit. At least, that's the way it works for me. This was the case tonight. While taking my life in my hands on a very shaky elliptical trainer I watched the Philadelphia Eagles and Jacksonville Jags on Monday Night Football. The Eagles are now quarterbacked by Mark Sanchez, who is having a great run over the last few weeks. If you are familiar, you know that's kind of a big deal.

The last I remember of Sanchez was the infamous Butt-Fumble. Do you remember the butt-fumble? It marked probably the darkest hour, the lowest low for Mark Sanchez. A refresher... Mark Sanchez's career began with incredible promise as he stormed into the pro's out of USC. He was at times a competent NFL quarterback, and at others next to awful to the point of being considered a bust. Finally, he suffered the ultimate humiliation when, during a broken play, he turned to run the ball. Trying to cut, his feet slipped out from under him and he promptly planted his facemask in the (very large) posterior of one of his offensive linemen. So running face first into an offensive guard's arse, Sanchez fell to his. To make matters infinitely worse, he fumbled the football, which was returned by a defender for a touchdown. Sanchez later said, "Just like a car accident. I was like, 'Whoa. What just happened?' It's embarrassing." Sanchez - the promising young quarterback - became the punchline, the butt of jokes (c'mon, it was too easy!).

So tonight, working up a sweat and starting to feel a little better about life and myself, it struck a chord when Sanchez threw a long touchdown pass and then threw his arms up in celebration. He has been through the dip. He has been in the dark place. And at least for now, is enjoying the rewards of having STUCK IT OUT! The look on his face was one of PURE JOY. Who knows where his career will end up. But for tonight, and for the last month, Mark Sanchez is the toast of Philadelphia and on top of the world. WHAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF BUTT-FUMBLE?

Fitting that Sanchez now plays for Philly (home of Rocky!!)
I realized a few moments ago that I'm in the same hotel and on the same floor I was when I wrote the post a couple hours before turning 50. That night I was in reflection mode, staring at what I determined to be the new start line. This evening has been one of reflection. A little sweat, a little prayer and a little perspective sure helped. I'll never meet Mark Sanchez. But I'm thankful to him. He stuck it out. A Butt-Fumble is a hard thing to recover from. He's doing it. So can I... so can you.

For now...