Thursday, September 21, 2017

Eat Cake (after all, the world is ending)

My birthday is Saturday. That is really not all too significant. But Saturday is also the day the world will come to an end. So I think I will eat my cake early.

Astrologers and pseudo-astronomers, numerologists and hack Bible interpreters have targeted the first full day following the Autumnal Equinox as the end of everything we know. Planet X is to swoop in and collide into our blue ball (without allowing Bruce Willis an opportunity shuttle up and drop a nuke down a drilled hole). 

I am no astrologer, nor an astronomer. I guess I am a bit of a hack Bible interpreter. But I'm not convinced. I think odds are I will be having Sunday brunch with my son this weekend.

Don't get me wrong... I do think the world is going to end. As a matter of fact, I am sure of it; one hundred percent convinced. The world will end for each of us at some point. We don't know when our personal Planet X may come. Hopefully for all who are reading, it will be a long, long time from now. But the (our) world will end. So we should go ahead and eat the cake. 

Stop for a moment, and ponder: If we truly knew this world (and we) would be no more come this Saturday, how would we live the days until? I think priorities would change in an instant. Trivial things would suddenly be, well, trivial. People would become our priority. Hopefully, we'd stop staring at five inch screens and have real conversations. We would hug more and "👍,💓,😊" less. 

If the world were truly ending Saturday, I couldn't care less to what political party I belong, or you. I wouldn't think of myself as one race and someone else another. The car I drive, what I wear, or even my net worth would have no significance. If the world were ending Saturday I would care about only a few things. Among them would be my relationship with a God who made me and face time (the real kind) with the people I hold dear. 

The world may not end Saturday (even though I'll be another digit older). But one day there will be no more digits. One day the world will end for each of us. We might as well start living with that in mind. 

And I wouldn't wait to eat the cake. 

For now...

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