Saturday, January 7, 2017

Why I Am Quitting "Working Out"

I am done working out. It is my resolution. I realize this is counter to a seemingly infinite number of resolutions - especially judging by the crowds in my gym the last seven days.

Sadly, we all know the plethora of spandexed gym-goers will suffer drastic reduction. Soon. Many begin their new workout lifestyle with best intentions. Resolutions to
lose weight, get healthy, be active, and so on. Most will quit working out. I am done working out too.

I've worked out most of my life; since most of my life is now the span between being a competitive athlete and today. I've hit the gym. I've lifted hard. I've ellipticalled, and rowed; run and stepped. It's been a pretty good run (pardon that pun). But now I'm done.

I am done working out.

And I begin to train (again).

Training is not the same as working out. There is a focus and purpose inherent in training that is absent in working out. At the very least, these hugely important motivators became stunted (for me).

I have a daughter who plays professional soccer. She trains. Another daughter is a competitive fitness athlete. She trains. My son plays basketball. He trains.

Somewhere along the way, I started working out, and forgot to train... In many areas of life.

I'm done working out in the gym. I will train. 
I'm done working out in my relationships. I will train. 
I am done working out in my spiritual life. I will train.
I am done working out in my career. I will train. 
I am done working out with my purpose. I will train. 
I will train... because working out will not bring me the life for which I am designed. 
I will train...

Sometimes training hurts... Not training kills.

For now...

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