But... think about the possibility of the impossible for just a moment. What if you could spring forward into the future? How far ahead would you spring? What & when would you spring to? Maybe a more telling question, (and please overlook the sentence-ending prepositions) what & when would you spring from?
So now let's say you've sprung into the future. How will you look back on this moment? This day? This week and month? You are in the future; looking back at your NOW self, what do you think? Is it possible that THEN you would like to fall back to make some change?
I'm sure there are times, people and places you would like to fall back to. (Oh, we are back in the present now.) We say to ourselves, "If I could just fall back and do that differently... say that differently... IF..."
So now you've fallen back into the past. How do you view this moment... this now (this one right here right now - this present)? Is it, and are you, all you want? Are you who you picture yourself becoming? If you could fall back, to where and to when would you go? What change(s) would you make?
Sorry if this is coming across like a non-Matthew McConaughey version of Intersteller, but there is a point. Allow me to quote myself - from five paragraphs ago:
... we stay in the present. we don't move in time. Time
keeps moving the way it always has and always will.
All we ever do is move with it.
So I can't SPRING FORWARD. Nor can I FALL BACK! What I have is NOW... this moment... to be who I want to be... to live life the way I want to live. I don't like to think of the NOWs I've wasted! Wait a minute... those were THEN. I can't fall back to do anything about them and I can't spring forward to avoid what they may have created.
(If only I could spring forward to see if I've finally learned the lesson!)
For now...
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