Saturday, December 6, 2014

Random Inspiration

Sometimes we are caught off guard. Last night I stumbled into the gym after a long day of work and a long evening of (my son's) basketball. I almost talked myself out of a work out. I'm glad I didn't. First, because I needed the physical exertion. Secondly, because I was caught off guard.

I posted the following on FaceBook last night.

I told them both they had inspired me as I shook their hands and said thank you. 

I was a little hesitant to post this, even though I asked and was given permission. However, in light of our discussion of SUCCESS I am compelled to post. What I saw in the gym was the polar opposite of SUCCESS VERTIGO. What I witnessed was true success; both in the struggle to push through difficult circumstances and in the complete and selfless serving of another. It was a reminder to me that...

#1  Success is a process, and is not found in reaching a finish line. 
What's more, true success is who I am in the process. 

#2  Success is about people... relationships, impact and meaning. 
It is not about stuff

For Now...

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