Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Just Breathe!

(Saturday March 21)
I woke up pre-stressed this morning. No reason. Actually, that's not true; probably many reasons colliding. Maybe it was too much caffeine last night. Add to that the pizza, snacks and ice cream. (It was my cheat day and I had family over to watch a ball game... a little grace, please!)

I'd like to think it was what I put into my mouth that interrupted my sleep, had me taking math tests I was unprepared for in my dreams, and woke me up restlessly unfulfilled.  But I don't think so. More than likely it was less what I put in, and more what I didn't let out that authored my stress.

A little test:
Breathe in.
Hold it.
Now breathe in again.
One more time.
It doesn't work so well, does it? Inhalation is not breathing. It is a part of the process. But without the exhale it is ineffective, stress-inducing, and ultimately damaging. (I'm told I would pass out from repeatedly doing this exercise and once out, my much smarter unconscious brain would tell my lungs, "breathe, stupid!" But you get the point.)

I think that's what woke me up. Too much inhale and not enough exhale. The movie and song titles are flowing through my brain right now: Waiting to Exhale, (I Can Hear You) Breathe, Just Breathe, etc. I inhale work. I inhale family issues. I inhale troubles and problems - my own and those of others. You do it too. But that's not breathing. There has to be an EXHALE...

Another exercise: 
Breathe in deeply.
Hold two seconds.
Slowly and fully exhale.
Did you feel that? Something left, and it wasn't just air. You micro de-stressed. Didn't you?

I exhale in many ways and they are all good. I head to the gym, spend time outdoors, practice my faith, spend time with God, hang out with my kids. I did something the other day in the gym that I've never done. After lifting and cardio I went over to the ab area and lay down. My intention was to do some ab work. What I ended up doing was just laying there... breathing. Really breathing... I was aware of inhaling and exhaling. And it was good.

I'm not abdicating a meditation mantra or breathing techniques. I'm simply saying that sometimes we need to remind ourselves to BREATHE! Literally and metaphorically. JUST BREATHE!  When the deadline is upon you... take a moment and JUST BREATHE. When the bad news comes... JUST BREATHE. When real life feels like that dream where you show up in class unprepared for a test, in your underwear!... JUST BREATHE! 

This post may not help you in any way... but now that I've EXHALED... I'm going to bed!

For now...