Saturday, December 29, 2018

A Stumbler's Walk | WHAT IS TRUTH?

Pilate said to him (Jesus), "What is truth?"John 18:38

Pilate looked into the face of The Way, the Truth, and the Life and asked him, "what is truth?" With a conflicted mixture of arrogance, ignorance and longing, Pilate stared into the eyes of the Life-Giver, and wondered aloud about the meaning of life.

We may not voice the questions. But they are there. We believe in a God we cannot see. We trust the guidance of a Spirit we cannot hear. We rely on the goodness of an all-powerful Creator, and yet see the devastation that takes place daily in our world; sometimes personally, and close to home.

Paul wrote: "We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed," (2 Corinthians 4:8-9).

"What is Truth?"

Jesus knew Pilate. In the moment that Pilate asked the question, Jesus saw beyond the power and the pomp. Jesus knew Pilate's heart; and the pain and fear that resided there. A few moments later Pilate washed his hands of Jesus (both literally and figuratively). But Jesus went to the cross for Pilate; for all the Pilates. He went to the cross for the Pilate in you and in me.

Our fear, our arrogance, our questions of Why?… Jesus took them with him to the cross. And there he proved the truth of love. And ultimately, if we will allow, his love overwhelms our questions.

"What is Truth?"

The answer is not a philosophical one. It is not a religious one. Nor is it merely theological.

"What is Truth?"

The Answer is a person. Look to the cross. There Truth demonstrated himself in love. And he is the same for us today.

God, overwhelm me with the truth of your love.

For now...